Our First Blog
The first post seems important. Let's start with some honesty. This blog is mostly to help search engines know that I update my website occasionally, and that my company exists. Surprise! That being said, I do take this seriously. When we’re busy, I have very little time to write, but I hope to keep this as updated as possible by slowly uploading things I've pre-written. As I write, and people (hopefully) read, I'll be learning new things and you will too. I’m going to try and keep this thing pretty informative, practical and interesting. You’ll be surprised what you’ll learn here. The one coming up on hvac tips for interior decorating seems to me like it’ll be fun and different. Expect to see that one around August. In any case, hvac is a pretty mysterious trade unless you do it every day, but I hope to demystify it a bit. Some posts are rather long, so I may split those up into smaller bite-sized portions.
I’m also hoping to highlight a local business once a month. If you own a local small business, feel free to get in contact with us by email with the subject matter and your own web page so we can get a feel for your business. We’re Kanata-based and we’d like to help the good little companies like us get out there!
With that introduction aside, expect to see a new post soon.